Moderna in svetla brunarica NATURAL LOG HOUSE lesene masivne hise 5 • Natural Log House
answers to Frequently Asked Questions about solid wooden houses

Frequently asked questions


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We are aware of the fact that clients want to get as much information as possible, as quickly as possible, and that is why questions are grouped together according to related topics.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions below.

If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Details about the construction of log houses

Many people have second thoughts about wood and its durability. How long will your wooden house last?

If it is ensured that the wood is not is direct contact with humidity and there is regular maintenance, then a house can last for generations to come.

There are quite a few historic wooden houses in Slovenia. The oldest one being the Kavčnik Homestead dating back to the 17th century.

There are many wooden buildings in Europe that are more than 800 years old and are still in use. The oldest wooden structure in the world is the Hōryū-ji Temple (Japan) which was built in the 7th century AD.

Svetovanje pri gradnji lesene masivne hise Natural Log House • Natural Log HouseSome clients know exactly what they want, as well as what their house is going to look like, and others don’t.

In our experience, the quickest and easiest way to creating a house plan is when we all meet – the investor, the design engineer and the building contractor. That takes approximately one to three meetings.

At these meetings we determine:

  • your wishes and expectations,
  • actual construction possibilities,
  • legal limitations (depending on the location of the construction)
  • and possible financial restrictions.

After that we (along with the design engineer) can provide a complete house plan and the cost of your new wooden house.

It is our aim here at Natural Log House to preserve the tradition and knowledge of the past and combine it with the expertise of contemporary construction. We are a family business that has been involved with the woodcraft tradition for a few generations already. There is a log cabin that was built in 1790 on our homestead.

When we harvest timber, we take into consideration that the trees are cut down in the winter time when the moon is in the right phase.

We cut the wood for your new house when the sap in the trees is at its lowest. This means that the most appropriate time for felling is in the winter (from September to March) when the trees are dormant.

The wood is cut during the waning moon in Pisces. This is when the wood is resistant to pests.

We use carefully selected wood from trees that grow at an altitude between 800 and 1200 m for our solid wooden houses. We make sure that the trees are cut down in the winter time and also pay attention to the moon phases.

Silver fir tree from Kočevsko is our favourite to work with. In the process, 98% of the timber is used up. Timber is used for the construction of the house and the bark as a medicinal food supplement.

Fir trees, which are used for the extraction of vitamins, grow above 1000 m and must to be at least 20 years old. The area of the Kočevsko forests, where we cut down the trees for our houses, is an ecologically clean environment and the microbiome in the soil distinctively affects the vitamin composition of the Kočevsko’s silver fir.

Knots in tree branches contain vitamins and nutrients that have a protective effect and represent the vital energy of trees. In other words, we can say that tree knots are the heart or the core of trees’ existence. The pulp from ground branches of silver fir trees is used as an extract or wood tea and can also be dried to a powder or protective concentrates also known as polyphenols.

There are several suitable species of wood for log cabins available. Most commonly, we use:

  • Silver fir (+ incredibly healthy, economical / – indistinguishable sapwood from heartwood)
  • Spruce (+ economical / – has more resin pockets than the fir tree)
  • Larch (+ incredibly beautiful, weatherproof / – cost, many resin pockets, hard to purchase)
  • Douglas fir (+ incredibly beautiful, weatherproof / – harder to purchase)

There are quite a few types of joinery or saddles as they have developed through history. Their selection, among other things, also influences the final cost of a house.

Saddle notch

This is the type of log joinery we use at Natural Log House. It is the most widely used among cabin builders because it doesn’t leave cracks between joints during drying time. Logs are in contact during the whole drying time and settle into each other.

vrsteSedel • Natural Log House

Dovetail joint

Craftsmen like to use it when they have to join square logs at the corners. This joint enables fixation in all directions.

Moderna nevpadljiva brunarica Masivne lesene hise Natural log house 18 • Natural Log House

Scandinavian saddle notch

It is also known as Norway’s notch and is one of the most intensive (complex) and efficient corner joints. Very few log cabin builders use it because of its complexity and considerably higher cost. We only use it occasionally, when necessary.

skandinavskaZareza • Natural Log House

The round notch

In Russia and other European countries, this type of joinery is highly favoured mostly by companies that make houses from machine-milled logs (industrial manufacturing). The downside of this joint is that gaps can appear while the wood is drying, on the left and the right side of the saddle. That is why log house builders frequently use the saddle notch joint.

vogalni spoj okroklo sedlo • Natural Log House

There are several log tail options available. It is very important that our clients think about the different choices at the very beginning of the house design idea. In general, there are four types of log tails:

Protection of the wood is an important factor to take into consideration. The best thing we can to protect the wood from pests is felling the trees at the right time – when the trees are dormant.


In case the wood is not preserved at all, it will begin to turn grey, as it is a natural process. If we don’t want that to happen, we need to apply some pigment to the wood and it will serve as a protection against the UV rays.


If we don’t dye the wood in the interior of the house, the wood will constantly exude its odor.

Types of wood protection

You can choose from natural preservatives (oils and waxes), and synthetic preservatives (wood protection primers and glaze finishes).

Impregnacija hlodov Proces izdelave masivnih lesenih his Natural log house • Natural Log House

Steps to building a log house:

  1. Felling the trees in dormant season
  2. Transportation of wood to our company’s location where it is peeled
  3. Assembly of the house at the company’s location
  4. Marking and drilling the logs for installations
  5. Dismantling of the log house, loading and transportation to the site
  6. Assembly of the house on the concrete foundation (takes approximately 20 days)
Izbor pravih hlodov Proces izdelave masivnih lesenih his Natural log house • Natural Log House
Rocno rezkanje Proces izdelave masivnih lesenih his Natural log house • Natural Log House
Proces izdelave masivnih lesenih his Natural log house • Natural Log House
Rocno vrtanje potrebnih lukenj Proces izdelave masivnih lesenih his Natural log house • Natural Log House
Moderna masivna brunarica Hise iz masivnega lesa Natural log house 4 • Natural Log House

Building time depends on the construction phase you decide to go with.

EXAMPLE: A house with 150 m2 can have a finished exterior in approximately 6 months after contact signing.

Between each log, we place EPDM foam rubber that serves as a protection against wind and humidity. We also use sheep’s wool for insulation.

Click on the image to enlarge.

tesnilo med hlodi • Natural Log House

Our houses are built from logs with 50 cm diameter. That way we ensure that the house is sufficiently insulated and there is no need to install additional insulation, and consequently the planning permission is granted without any problems.

In case you have already chosen the location where you want to build a log house, the easiest way to check for possible limitations when it comes to the construction, is at your local city hall and administrative office. That varies from municipality to municipality.

Our basic range of houses have a brick roof. We can also offer a shingle roof or a green roof.

Because walls from logs are too massive and therefore take too much space, there is a common practice that only the load-bearing walls of a house are made from logs.

For other walls, the following material can be used:

  • Plaster
  • Wooden panelling
  • Antique bricks
  • Drywall
  • Siporex

All wiring/plumbing is always routed through interior walls of our houses.

Only sockets and switches (wires) are attached to the log walls.

Safety Contact


Even though you may not realize it, log cabins or solid wooden houses are one of the most fire-resistant buildings.

Our houses are made of solid wood in its entirety so there’s no need for framework construction. That is the reason why solid wooden house can endure fire even better than traditional houses.

  • Because wood is a poor conductor of heat, it can withstand fires even better than some other materials.
  • If the surface of a timber is burned, the log is instantly insulated from more heat because charring creates insulation. Warming of the wood is therefore slower on the inside of the house because of the wooden walls.
  • Other materials like iron and steel bend at only 500°C and concrete cracks in heat.

A log house is one of the most earthquake-resistant buildings. Wood is an incredibly flexible material and has a high load-carrying capacity. If you think about how trees are only rooted to the ground and how they move in strong wind, then you can imagine how strong this material really is.

It is typical of wood that it shrinks while drying. As a consequence, the house starts to settle because the freshly cut logs are dying. House settling depends on the cardinal direction, the location of the house and the size of glass surfaces.

Every log house settles for approximately 10–15%. The settling period is approximately 6 years long. After this period, we can say that the house stands still.

The fact that the house is settling does not affect the construction process and moving in, but we have to consider this at certain phases of the construction and carry them out professionally.

The fact that the house is settling does not affect the construction process and moving in, but we have to consider this at certain phases of the construction and carry them out professionally. These are the following phases:

  • Windows must be installed with screws into sliding There should be ample space above the windows as the house is settling for approximately 6 years.
  • In case the bathroom and the restroom are on the first floor as well, the plumbing installations should be done properly to prevent any breakage or water leakage.
  • All columns must be installed with screw jacks
  • Partition walls must be correctly installed in order to allow for the ceiling to settle
Living in a wooden house Contact

Življenje v leseni hiši

Log houses are solid wooden constructions and that is why its weight and massiveness prevents it from creaking. We can assure you that you will not be able to hear wood cracking when it is drying.

We must keep in mind that log house building is one of the least controversial types of construction from the ecological standpoint. Houses are built with renewable logs. Log houses are built with 98% biodegradable materials. In order to build a house like this, a minimal amount of machine work and a maximum amount of manual labour is used.

Living in a house like this is incredibly healthy, especially for people with allergies and breathing difficulties.

There are no limits when it comes to choosing a heating system. At the moment, clients most commonly choose a heat pump and underfloor heating in combination with a fireplace in the living room (because of the ambience). We need to be aware of the fact that our houses warm up really quickly and therefore do not need a lot to maintain the same temperature.

It is typical of wood that it shrinks while drying. As a consequence, the house starts to settle because the freshly cut logs are dying. House settling depends on the cardinal direction, the location of the house and the size of glass surfaces.

Every log house settles for approximately 10–15%. The settling period is approximately 6 years long. After this period, we can say that the house stands still.

The fact that the house is settling does not affect the construction process and moving in, but we have to consider this at certain phases of the construction and carry them out professionally.

The fact that the house is settling does not affect the construction process and moving in, but we have to consider this at certain phases of the construction and carry them out professionally. These are the following phases:

  • Windows must be installed with screws into sliding There should be ample space above the windows as the house is settling for approximately 6 years.
  • In case the bathroom and the restroom are on the first floor as well, the plumbing installations should be done properly to prevent any breakage or water leakage.
  • All columns must be installed with screw jacks
  • Partition walls must be correctly installed in order to allow for the ceiling to settle

Dust is inevitable in every house. However, dust moves around differently in log houses because of natural laws. Because wood is an anti-static material, dust moves around substantially less. As a result, people with respiratory problems usually don’t have these issues any more (or their problems alleviate).

Cost Contact


People that like this type of construction are most likely to ask about the price as well. Because every house we build is one of a kind, it is difficult to determine the exact cost.

However, we can ensure that price compares to the conventional frame house from natural materials.

Our log houses are built by hand, therefore the price depends on the difficulty of the construction. Details that affect the cost the most:

Number of x-joints

Number of logs in height

Log cutting difficulty

Number of internal walls

Roofing with rounded wood

Difficulty of electrical wiring

Installing special wooden additions in the house

Natural log house Ales Zagar 9 • Natural Log House


Ever since childhood I’ve been closely connected to wood and forests. This contributed to the fact that I started to build houses from logs. From the first house I’ve ever built onward, I always strive to building homes, not just houses.

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